Purewhyte CollaborationsIt was a busy week as Maison et Objet was the same time as Birmingham interiors!As part of Designersblock’sUnite:d exhibition at Birmingham Interiors 2010, Purewhyte designed four projects.Thank you so much to the companies and people below for their willingness and enthusiasm to collaborate!Limpet Hook Collaboration with Turners and Moore Hooks and mount made from a selection of timber off-cuts including; Oak, Walnut, Ash, Pine, andMahogany. Also available in Strawberry Red, Petrol Blue and Brimstone Yellow lacquered finishes.This design has found a sustainable use for a material that could otherwise go to waste. The mount board is a new prototype; only needing two screws to mount three hooks- the screw is also concealed behind the two outer hooks.Each off-cut hook is individual and illustrates the many qualities and grains of the various timbers used.Connect Candle holderCollaboration with Turners and Moore These prototypes have been produced using the prevalent surplus waste of sawdust and off-cuts, common in all wood working manufacture. Using resin, coloured dyes, a mould, high pressure and skilled workmanship these well considered candle bases have been manufactured using a material that would have ordinarily gone to waste.Warp Wall Clock Spun aluminium clocks with Graffiti artists creating one-off artwork.This is a collaboration using an existing Purewhyte design but with an added twist. The two UK artists were given free reign using the surface of the clocks as their canvas.Each clock is a one-off illustrating the individual artists creative style.Small clocks by Relish Parker, for Park Life / Rare Kind Large clocks by Mr Yeti for Moose & Yeti These clocks will soon be available to purchase exclusively on the Purewhyte Website.Drew Occasional TableManufactured by Automated Wire Bending LTD.The occasional table is an extension of the Drew Furniture range originally launched at the Milan Furniture Fair 2009 with Designersblock.After meeting at 100% Design London and viewing the Drew Dining table, Silvio Perna the Managing director of AWBL felt his company could produce the range with a superior finish, using Automated PAVE machinery.Amazingly it was produced in a very short time frame with a brilliant finish- thank you to the whole team at AWBL- Silivio is now in my phone as: Silvio the wire bending god!If you visited Birmingham Interiors or if you require any additional information please do not hesitate in contacting me via the Purewhyte website.