Kirsty Whyte - BBC News - Freedom To Exist

BBC World News

This morning Kirsty Whyte, the Creative Director and founder of Freedom To Exist appeared on the BBC news. This has led to lots of new people discovering us and our minimal watches, which has led t...

Work in Design 2023 - Kieron Bakewell

Work in Design 2023 - Kieron Bakewell

Featured as one of the first interviewees on the “Work In Design” podcast by Keiron Bakewell, I shared my career journey, the tools and techniques I've mastered, and insights for aspiring designers...

On Design Podcast - Justyna Green

On Design Podcast - Justyna Green

I recently featured on the ON DESIGN PODCAST, hosted by JUSTYNA GREEN, where we chatted about the day jobs and the evening and weekend job. You can hear the whole interview here. Kirsty: I’v...



Organised by Abigail Warner for Top Drawer January 2019 RetailFest presents an inspiring and innovative line-up of speakers, industry experts and influencers. I took part in the TrendTalks - The ...

Startup - 2019

Startup - 2019

I was invite to be a speaker for Startup 2019, organised by Enterprise Nation. Prt of the "Meet the Buyer" zone. I spoke about how to present to a buyer, some simple hacks and ways to 'think like ...

Monocle Podcast

Monocle Podcast

Kirsty recently featured on the Monocle Podcast due to her work with Freedom To Exist.  You can see the transcript below, or you can listen to the full podcast here. Setting up a company with you...



To announce the launch of Soho Home on The Wedding Shop, I was interviewed at Kettners Town House in the Jacobean suit; for The Wedding Shops Instagram Stories. All about the product ranges, thei...

Suzy Hoodless - Brian Woulfe - Amira Hashish - The Design Editor – White City House – Kirsty Whyte – Soho House – Soho Home


I was part of an expert panel for The Interior Design Lounge, which included other guests, Suzy Hoodless and Brian Woulfe. Hosted by The Design Editor, Amira Hashish. Talking all things interior d...

Pulse 2017

Pulse 2017

How designer collaborations can benefit both retailer and designer Kirsty Whyte, Product & Design Manager.  

Heal's Discovers - 2017

Heal's Discovers - 2017

A key part of Heal’s heritage has been partnering with independent designers to bring customers well-made and good quality design – be they well-established or newly discovered names.Heal’s Discov...

Kirsty Whyte - Creative Director - Paperfest 2016

Paperfest - 2016

I was invited to one of the Q&A events for Paperfest 2016 part of Top Drawer. Interviewed by Ciara Elliott, Editor of Essential Kitchen, Bathroom and Bedroom. SO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT FUTURE ...

Heal's Discovers - 2016

Heal's Discovers - 2016

  A key part of Heal’s heritage has been partnering with independent designers to bring customers well-made and good quality design – be they well-established or newly discovered names. For Heal’s ...

Kirsty Whyte - Designer - Heals
Kirsty Whyte - Designer - Heals
Kirsty Whyte - Heals - Elegant Purist
Future Craft - Heals - Kirsty Whyte
Pecha Kucha 2016

Pecha Kucha 2016

See the presentation here.

Milan 2016 - Fiera Briefing
Kirsty Whyte - Kickstarter Video
A Glimpse Into The London Design Festival 2015
Heals - Industrial Chic
Paperfest 2015
KLC Design School | Graduation 2015

KLC Design School | Graduation 2015

KLC school of Design student graduation;  for 2015 Heal’s sponsored and presented the Heal’s Award for Bespoke Design. For one of the KLC Diploma students at the Graduation ceremony. The judging ...

Heals Discovers - 2015 - Kirsty Whyte