At the Milan Furniture Fair there is such a diverse breadth of work exhibited, from handmade, conceptual, mass production, high end and graduate its hard to take to take it all in. Eventually over time you start to get ‘product blindness’ and you start to glaze over! But below some items stand out from the crowd and remain embedded in your mind for weeks and months after. Now the show has passed a few weeks ago these were the standout items for me that I couldn’t forget from all over the Fair.
1 - Landscapes for living | Muler Van Severen | Valerie_tran |
2 – Shibuya | Christophe Pillet | Kartell |
3 - Mathilda chair | Patricia Urquiola | Moroso |
4 – Sumo Sofa | Sancal |
5 – Lightwood Chair | Jasper Morrison | Maruni |
6 – Light Drop | by E27 | Pulpo |
7 – Great Colours for 2013 | Gradisca Chair | Werther Toffoloni | Billiani |
8 – CNC Marble Knitted forms | Budri |
9 – Radice | Sam Hecht | Mattiazza |
10 – Tatti | Katriina Nuutinen | Kaamos |
11 – Spade Range | Kenji Fukushima |
12 – Shades of Day Calendar | Justin Hu | What Not | Rossana Orlandi |
13 – Dark Matter Black Mirror | Ada Mayer | What Not | Rossana Orlandi |
14 – Camerino Valet Stand |Brose – Fogale | Design Junction |
15 – 8ung Plate | Klaar Prims | Wallpaper Handmade |
16 – True Colours vases | Lex Pott |
17 - 45°/vetrina, Grado° Collection | Design Ron Gilad | Molteni & C |
18 – Tower Salt and Pepper Grinder | Tom Dixon |
19 – Quinque Light | Micomoler |
20 - PET Lamps | Alvaro Catalan de Ocon | Rossana Orlandi |