
Chinese Culture - Uniformity

Chinese Culture - Uniformity
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One of my first observations when I arrived in China was, the Chinese do love a uniform. Whichever way you turn, there is always someone smartly turned out in their uniform, and I don't mean just a tie and a name badge, they go the whole shebang with epaulets and brocade!

I guess this is a reflection of the communist structure, especially those who work for the state. Everyone is employed and everyone is smart and takes pride in their job, no matter what their job may be, and everyone has a role to play to keep the cogs of China running smoothly. From the Police to factory workers to Road sweepers they all have an identity, and they take it seriously too.

Some uniforms photos I have accumulated so far:

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Street cleaners out in all weather.

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Park wardens…love his nonchalant lean.

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Emergency Services:

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Police, with his run down old bike.

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Fire Brigade



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Buying tickets

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Checking tickets

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Sweeping the platform

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Sanitary bags used for packed lunch!

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Mopping the train, a little overdressed perhaps.

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Helpful train assistants.

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Then tickets checked at arrival.

Then my favourite; doormen…they love their job!

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And all that Jazzzzzz.

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