Heal’s LDF 2016

Heal’s LDF 2016

You can read the full article here.

More Passport Stamps

More Passport Stamps

Travelling is an inescapable necessary evil in the product and furniture world.  Visiting factories around the world comes hand in hand with design, development and manufacture. It may sound like ...

Flash Bang Wallop..

Flash Bang Wallop..

…What a picture. Allot of my recent blog posts have been focused on China, there is such a huge selection of things I want to post about, there may not be enough time! I thought the design/creativ...

Shoddy Shanghai

Shoddy Shanghai

Safety First! Health and safety what's that? Would be the reply here in China. I know in the West, we've gone a bit crazy on the health and safety front, but some precautionary steps are always a ...

Signs Of Life

Signs Of Life

Obviously the Chinese and English language are poles apart. In structure, pronunciation and of course how it looks on paper.Saying that I'm frequently surprised by local Chinese trying out their E...

Team GB

Team GB

Olympic fever has finally hit, as London prepared for the eyes of the world and avid visitors to descend upon it, everyone become decidedly patriotic and why not; it's rare we get to cheer on team...

Same Same But different #2

Same Same But different #2

Back though popular demand Same Same but different 2...this time it's serious! One of my first blog posts when I arrived in China was Same Same But Different, some branded products that caught m...

Historical Shanghai

Historical Shanghai

Among the skyscrapers, high rise living and neon, I discovered you don't have to travel far to see some of old shanghai that remains. A few stops away from my apartment is Qibao a little pocket o...

TEDx Shanghai

TEDx Shanghai

Sunday is usually a day for relaxing and lie-ins, but not for Shanghai go-getters who want to be inspired and informed. A TED event is the perfect way to hear from experts in varied fields. We h...

Arty Farty

Arty Farty

kirsty whyte blog shangahi art (17) Its a rainy Saturday here in Shanghai, so no excuses not to do some design work (when there's sun it's much easier to be distracted). Procrastinating at my de...

Creativity in Shanghai

Creativity in Shanghai

Living in shanghai isn’t all people in pyjamas, dogs in clothes and motorbike Jenga as my recent blog posts allude to. There is also culture and creativity around every corner if you're willing to...

Hong Kong Styley

Hong Kong Styley

Last weekend was a public holiday in china, so to optimise my holiday time I had a brief trip to a humid Hong Kong. Getting on the design trail with trendy shops and furniture. Here are some quic...

Sleeping on the Job

Sleeping on the Job

Falling asleep at your desk in the UK is actually a sackable offence. In china no one blinks an eye while staff take 30 winks. I guess this is mostly due to the unnecessary numbers of staff workin...

On Your Bike!

On Your Bike!

Kirsty Whyte Blog China Bicycles (26) Katie Melua may have sung about nine million bicycles in Beijing but even with Shanghai's ever increasing car population we still have over five million zip...

Doggy Style

Doggy Style

No this isn't a cheap trick to get more views on my website. Having a well coiffured pooch is serious business here in Shanghai. Especially with our recent inclement weather; it's not like they h...

Chinese Culture - Uniformity

Chinese Culture - Uniformity

One of my first observations when I arrived in China was, the Chinese do love a uniform. Whichever way you turn, there is always someone smartly turned out in their uniform, and I don't mean just ...

Trend Spotting - Spectacle Mania!

Trend Spotting - Spectacle Mania!

All my life I’ve needed glasses; pre-1984 I would frequently walk into table tops, lamp posts, door frames; you get the idea! Then I got my first dashing pair of NHS glasses on my first week of sc...

Same Same, But Different!

Same Same, But Different!

China’s “Designer Brands” In the consumerist world of modern China, designer brands are a must have.  As you wander down Nanjing lu, you are greeted by shop after shop of polished gold signs, blin...

“Do you feel lucky, punk?"

“Do you feel lucky, punk?"

We met Chinese Delboy at the market in Yu Gardens, in Shanghai.

Colours of China - RED

Colours of China - RED

Ok so this colour is a bit of a cheat with Christmas just gone and Chinese New Year coming to a close. Red- it permeates all of China from daily life; road signs, clothes, the communist governmen...

Shanghai Bound!

Shanghai Bound!

I'm off to Shanghai! I've been given a very exciting opportunity to work over in Shanghai for 6-8 weeks, so due to China's strict internet laws I'm not sure if I'll be able to blog, so it might be...