All my life I’ve needed glasses; pre-1984 I would frequently walk into table tops, lamp posts, door frames; you get the idea! Then I got my first dashing pair of NHS glasses on my first week of school!
Here you can see me sporting my much cherished ‘My little Pony’ specs (they has a little My little Pony picture embedded in each arm). It’s always been a love hate relationship; needing them to see but them impeding on day to day life, playing sport, not looking like a nerd, repelling boys I fancied at school!
And now somehow glasses have become cool once more, and no longer for just the focus impaired like myself. People with 20:20 are adopting specs, thanks to celebrities like Kanye West and Beiber. It seems to be the cool thing to do here in Shanghai too. I can’t stop spotting people wearing glasses WITH NO LENSES….Why?!!!!!!
Taking covert photos of people modelling this look is very tricky:
And I’m not surprised so many people wear glasses, as this weekend I took a visit to 3 Yeh Optical Market . I was in glasses heaven, rows and rows of cool and cheap glasses, some more practical than others.
Paul my co-contributing blogger (and other half) need some new specs after staring at a computer screen too much, so took the plunge. While there I couldn’t resist trying on a pair or two myself.
Here is a pick of the best; do you think I should get a pair?
Looking cool!
Tortoise shell…boring!
“Hello Kitty!”
Joe 90?
I think I love them!
This photo has the trend twice!
Glasses with bamboo arms, pretty cool.
Channelling Chucky from Rugrats!
It’s wacaday!
Can I pull this look off?!
Eye test free, frames £30 lenses £20 looking super cool priceless. Well allot cheaper than the £500 I paid for my last pair in the UK anyway.